Saturday, May 13, 2006

A Report

Youth Camp April 2006

Over the Easter weekend, about 150 to 200 youth from different places in Zimbabwe attended the Youth Camp held at Seke Teachers Training College, in spite of the high cost of transport these days. This went really well and has really put the young people a step ahead. The presence of Mr Alex Mwale, from Gweru, with his gift for preaching, was very much appreciated at this camp. Mrs Veronica Katandavare, from Chinhoyi, also added value to the weekend, as did various other BLCC members. Although the speakers had no theme beforehand, the teachings all fitted together with the main theme turning out to be ‘The Plan of God in your Life’.

The presence and power of the Lord were present at this meeting. For example, on Saturday evening there was a power cut and the kitchen staff were unable to finish cooking supper. At about 9:00pm, while waiting for the power to come back on and supper to be ready, Mr Mwale gave just a short word leading them to reflect on the day’s teachings.

From that point on there was no teaching or preaching and no one sang even a single chorus. The presence of God was with them. All were waiting upon the Lord and praising and crying and falling under the power. After a time the leaders started praying for various people, both for inner healing and, for some, deliverance. Any further programme had to wait while the Holy Spirit ministered in this way. This went on until 2:00am when they eventually had supper, except for some who were unable to eat because they were still praying as the Spirit continued to work with them.

At a youth camp, various newer people attend and there was a lot of serious deliverance ministry. This makes you think, if we had not held the youth camp, these young people’s lives would be still under the influence of spirits. Zimbabwe really needs the gospel! How many more people are there, young and old, waiting for someone to free their lives from the dominion of the enemy?

The youth were also encouraged to be serious in their prayer, and strengthened in their resolve to do God’s work in BLCC and to be steadfast in the church and not run away from it.

Congratulations to the youth and the youth leaders, especially Mr Innocent Zininga and Mr Cosmas Nyamasoka, for going ahead with this camp, in spite of the difficult and expensive times we live in. Altogether the camp cost over 300 million Zim dollars. But the youth are determined to have another one this year; they say they cannot wait until next year. They saw that the amount they had been asked to pay at this camp, $1.2 million each, which not all of them managed, was not enough to cover even the food they were eating, and they said they would prefer to pay more next time and also to provide basic foodstuffs. So the next youth camp is set for August and the contribution for each person will be $3.5 million – as best they can.

This youth camp has inspired us to consider making a fresh start this year with the BLCC Conference, never mind the high costs of running it and the high costs of transport for people to attend. We put this idea to those at the Leaders’ Training Weekend and everyone supported it. If it goes ahead, it will probably be at the end of September.

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