Wednesday, May 31, 2006

REPORT: A visit to Kadhani, Mhondoro

It was 3:00 a.m. and there was a consistent knocking at the door. Mrs Pelagia Masuku got out of bed and found three women waiting outside. It is unusual in African society for women to move around at night. However, these three had done so, taking advantage of the moonlight, and they were asking to see the people who had come from Harare with special teachings. They said they were sorry to come at this time but they had been unable to come in the afternoon and could she please give them what she had given the others during the day.

When they had heard from other people how the teachings and ministry had blessed them, they had been unable to sleep and had decided to come straightaway, even though it was night. However, Mrs Masuku, who had only managed to be in bed by about 1:00 a.m., insisted that they lie down and sleep and promised she would speak to them in the early morning. When she gave them a blanket to cover themselves they eventually agreed.

Mrs Pelagia Masuku, together with Mrs Charity Muronzi and Constantine Gomo had come to Kadhani, Mhondoro for the weekend of 19th to 21st May 2006, at the invitation of Mrs Mafa, who at one time was a neighbour of Mrs Masuku in Mbare, Harare. Mrs Mafa is a Methodist and the whole area there is mainly Methodist, with some Catholics and others.

This was a new area for BLCC ministry and it took a long time for people to assemble. Even then, only about fifteen people attended because the Methodist church had already organized another meeting. Besides Methodists, there were some from Johanne Mazowe Madzibaba and Mughodhi Apostolic churches. These are non Christian or semi Christian groups. Four Catholic men were on their way to attend but someone intercepted them and dissuaded them and they turned back.

Since the team were there for the first time, they were finding their way ahead. They did not give a full Seminar but took teachings from the Seminar, The Three Hearts, and Forgiveness, as they felt the Spirit was leading them. And how these teachings were needed, especially forgiveness!

To cut the story short, many people were blessed, especially in the areas of deeper commitment to Jesus and forgiveness of one another. When the team prayed for them for receiving Jesus into their hearts, after Mrs Masuku gave them the Three Hearts teaching, many found the Lord had healed them of this and that without anyone praying specifically for healing.

Constantine Gomo gave a very good teaching on forgiveness and in the ministry that followed, the Lord set many people free as they set others free by their forgiveness from the heart. One married couple were reconciled after 35 years with much joy and tears and with the Holy Spirit working strongly in both of them.

If this team had not gone on this weekend, those people would be in just the same condition as they were before. As it is, they are blessed and waiting for our next visit there. The truth is this ministry could spread like a forest fire across that whole area. We could send twenty teams to different villages around the area and we would find people in every place with great problems hidden deep within them, with no one to help them, needing only someone who can minister the grace and the love of God to them.

One of the Magosi (Methodist elders) demanded of Mrs Mafa, ‘Why did you come from Harare long ago and not share with us all this that you found there?’ However, we need to share things in the right way. What is more, people need to experience for themselves the touch of God in their hearts and lives before they can really believe in and receive the Good News of the kingdom of God.

We are looking forward to going there again. Someone there seems to have something of a gift of administration and is prepared to properly organise our next visit. This is a valuable gift and will allow us to give them a full Seminar.

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