Thursday, May 25, 2006

F.I.R.E. blog: It's been happening!

"Tuesday, June 28, 2005 It's been happening!

June 18 - We had our second meeting, which included prayer and some time headed out to minister.

During the weeks preceeding the meeting, we felt that God was going to send us out, and that it would be a practicum of sorts for our group. Kind of like a field study.

We met, and started with prayer. The feeling was that we were supposed to go to a park and meet with someone, and then down to Canal Park.

The park we ended up at was Chester Bowl. There was someone there that some of the people in our group new, and it was clear that we were there for that person for sure. (names witheld to protect privacy) This person had been through a tough time in their life recently, with a marriage falling apart, and other issues. Members of our team were able to minister and share God's grace.

We walked the lake walk after that from Leif Ericson Park to Canal Park. Waiting on the Lord for His direction. We were there to pray, but didn't have a real open word for anyone. (reminds me of the days of Eli the priest and Samuel the young servant of the Lord)

People were down there to party, and we were not out doing 'street evangelism' as much as we were praying and waiting on the Holy Spirit.

So, that sums it up the monthly meeting for now.

There has also been a opening for Tuesday evening F.I.R.E. walks through our neighborhood in Duluth Heights. There have been some good contacts made, and it seems that is where the Lord is leading us at the moment.

If you would like to join in, meet at Living Stones - House of Refuge on Tuesdays at 7pm for prayer and praise. Maija will be leading this effort from there.

posted by Mike at 10:26 AM"

I have blogged this because it containes inspiration and could be a new form of ministry, or rather a pre-ministry, before visiting an area and praying for people at their point of need. LMH

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