Thursday, January 31, 2008

Stroke gives way to the power of God

We were surprised to hear the news that Mai Privilege (Mai = Mrs or Mother of) of Mabvuku High Density Suburb had had a stroke. Such a thing can come without much warning. They said it was serious and she was not even speaking or able to do anything.

After a few days, we were able to visit her with the intention of praying for her. We found her sitting in the lounge eating from a plate and when we greeted her, she spoke to us quite normally. Moreover, she was able to get up and walk around. We could not even tell whether she had been afflicted on the right side or the left.

I asked her who had prayed for her and she replied that the supportive group had prayed for her. The local group of BLCC members in that area, led by Mai Madembo, had come to hold their meeting in her house since she was sick and had praised God and prayed strongly until she got up and began to move around.

This was good news to me, more wonderful than if we had prayed for her ourselves. This is what we need; this is the objective of BLCC. God’s church should surely be a church of believers who are equipped for ministry and able to find help from God in a time of crisis.

[I’m trying to get this done tonight in order to have at least one posting for January, but now there is a power cut and I am working from a battery. So let me post this quickly now and edit it later]

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